COUNTING DOWN THE STORM (Temporarily Unavailable) A Novella by D. Ryan Leask
For two days the storm has taken over the city, and two people's lives. A man convinces himself that his life is worthless when his lover leaves him for another man. Alone and depressed, he allows his life to sink into the bowels of civilization. When a wife and mother discovers that her husband is having an affair she abandons logic and gives in to the perilous abyss of jealousy and revenge.
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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Having Others Critique Your Work and Back to Basics

I'm not selfish really.

My problem is that when it comes to critiquing it's better to receive than to give. It's really hard reading someone else’s work when you think to yourself; I should be using this time to work on my own. So here I am, 5:51, procrastinating. I meet up with my fellow writers at 7:00 and I haven't read their stuff yet.

This week I did a major re-think on my framed story. I have written a number of murder scenes written in present tense that go through in detail how my main character carries out his grisly murders and pins them on others. Not tooting my own horn but I think they are very well written. The problem is tying them all together. I had created this smart ass down on his luck reporter character that gets handed the assignment of doing a story on the killer after he'd been caught. The only problem is that I don't really like this guy, I like the concept of him sort of but it just doesn't seem to work. I think what I am going to do is just type out all of the murder scenes then link them together somehow, perhaps in a "biography" of the killer, or maybe still as someone who is following him. I think at this point I have to rethink almost everything, which sucks because I'm pretty much done.

My other story, "Too Dumb to Dance" (whose title I still don't like) is coming along, I've decided not to even bother doing a first typed draft and just let it all hang out on the blog. Dangerous! I think my next excerpt may need to be on Tyson, how he's doing in Edmonton. I've just realized after reading through all I have in my notebook the other day I kind of sent him away and forgot about him. I have to bring him back at some point and its best if we know a little about what he went through. I have to get crackin' on that cause the next Passion Pitch Poetry is on Feb 20th.

Next Wednesday I am off to Banff. Today our office Manager was kind enough to get me a signed copy of Poets & Pahlevans by Marcello Di Cintio. Inscribed it says "Best of Luck With Your Own Writing and Good Luck in Banff". It's a book I've wanted to read ever since I heard him doing a reading a while ago. It's about his journeys through Iran.

Anyway enough procrasterbating, Time to get some editing done, I now have a whole 1/2 hour!

As always,

Your struggling writer,


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