COUNTING DOWN THE STORM (Temporarily Unavailable) A Novella by D. Ryan Leask
For two days the storm has taken over the city, and two people's lives. A man convinces himself that his life is worthless when his lover leaves him for another man. Alone and depressed, he allows his life to sink into the bowels of civilization. When a wife and mother discovers that her husband is having an affair she abandons logic and gives in to the perilous abyss of jealousy and revenge.
Re-Launch Tentatively Scheduled for Oct 17th:
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Monday, January 28, 2008

My Path To Becoming a Writer 28-Jan-07

I just started a new blog which is going to host my story I have been reading at Passion Pitch Poetry which I have now decided to title "Too Dumb To Dance" but we'll see if that sticks (any better suggestions would be greatly appreciated). Anyway that blog is located at:

I've made a few decisions lately. It is more important at this stage to get a network of peers and just get my name out there! I've been in contact with FFWD magazine to do a review of "Counting Down the Storm" (Which reminds me I have to contact that guy again). So far I have made some awesome contacts through the Writers Guild of Alberta as well as through my instructor from my Writting Course. Her name is Barbara Scott and she has written a book of short stories called "The Quick" which were up for several awards across Canada.

I decided I no longer want to self publish. I will keep that format for "Counting Down the Storm", but in the future I think I want to go about it the old fasioned way. I'm no good at marketting. I can write, but that is as far as that goes.

One thing I have learned over the course of this process however is that I love doing readings! I've always enjoyed public speaking (call me masochystic) and now I have a reason for doing it. I think I have a leg up on some authors out there. It has always surprised me when I've heard an author read without any emotion for their work at all. Baffling.

Anyway I'm sure this is long and disjointed as I keep getting interupted.



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